
Sunday 26 February 2017

The Real Me. (The Effeminate Me) JORDAN .C. DIKE [photo]

Hey i am so sorry from the bottom of my heart for deleting all my blog post, but i have no other choice but to start like this. The thing is that i have an issue with Google so their suggestion is for me to start all over again by writing an article.(i guess) well i don't what to write about, so i pick an article about me.
(why)because so many people don't know the real me and i guess it's time for me to tell you that.
first and fore most My Real Name is STEPHEN .C. DIKE and my age is kinda a secret.
The name Jordan is just my nick name which i prefer than my real name.
yea this is me (Jordan .c.) using filter it ain't bad tho.
so about me
 i hail from IMO state Nigeria and i am the 3rd child out of my parent, we are 5 in number and we are fun and crazy with our different personality. Anyway ever since i was younger, i had this inspiration to be a dancer and a model because i love the fact that when i walk down the street and i get the attention, but i still get the attention now. well when i was young i was more of an effeminate with big bum and a face everyone loves loll

I stared junior school in the year 2001 and i was one of the brightest kid in the class.
well my embarrassing and worst moment in junior school was in the year 2005 when i was majestically walking to school and i fell right into the gutter.. i was so ashamed of myself that day, to the extent i was absent from school for 1 week.
anyway after my junior school i started secondary school in the year 2010 i thought i will still be the top notch of my class but i was wrong, i found so many bright student in my new class. but i never let them get to me. after our first semester/term i took 10th position out of 45.. in other word i passed but i felt it was the worst performance ever.
so as time passed i made it to SS 1(senior) the first time i stepped into my classroom, i instantly made a best friend named Stanley; we kinda bump into each-other with the word sorry flying out of our mouth and he was effeminate like me and that made us more close. we came up with our handshake and it was so cool but on our first attempt we decided to showoff and we messed up to extent that the entire class started laughing at us but we were worried neither did we feel bad.

I made it SS 2 and it was time for SS 3 student to write their exams and graduate. i felt that whatever SS 3 can do, i can also. so i left my school, best-friend, and mate to another school so i can be able to partake in exams. after the exam i had 6 B's, 2 A and 1 c (i passed that was the first thing that came out of my mouth and i danced around the premises with my result.) showoff my effeminate steps.
after senior school i decided to enrolled into college but i hated the fact that i would be going far from my friends and family. my mum wanted me to enroll in Cameroon and my dad wanted IMO state but i came up with the best idea of schooling online. online school was just like every other day college but all my lectures take place online.  after settling  down with school issues, i decided to focus on my friends yea i made two other friends name David and Emmanuel. David is a major freak, he like saying stupid meaningless words but he was so caring and Emmanuel is a Ghanaian that loves taking my stuff but he is very nice. he loves spending and he likes speaking queer English but he is fun to be with.
About me and Emmanuel our friendship was put to the test when a dude lied about me and it was left for my best-f to believe me or not.. anyway we got into a heated argument but it was later resolved .

ok so i admire everyone and i don't judge people based on their appearance or past or what you have to offer. i love everyone that brings joy to other people face..

Name; Stephen dike
Age; secret
f color; blue and green
occupation; Blogger, Fashion Consultant, Author, Model
best-friends; Stanley, Emmanuel yea David and i aren't friends
eye color; blue
hight 6.1
Facebook accounts; inbox me
personal number;inbox
i know i missed some part out, i didn't tell you everything and i am so sorry because they were personal.
but i promise to update you about the real me 2. how i started modeling, fashion consulting and actor.
this is 100% real, my eyes are like that.
 just contact me

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