
Monday 27 February 2017

Meet the lady who smells like 'onion and fish'

Imagine walking around always smelling like rotten fish and onion.
That is the reality of Kelly from Old-ham, Greater Manchester, England, who was born with a rare condition called Trimethylaminuria that causes her to reek of a nauseating fishy smell.
Kelly first became aware of her condition when she was in school and kids always taunted her about the smelling of fish Kelly gave excuses saying that she ate a fish sandwich, however, when the smell never reduced and she ran out of excuses she became the object of extreme bullying.

to combat the smell, she began spending a lot of time in the shower scrubbing her body till it was red soaking herself in deodorants and perfumes, yet nothing worked and the bullying only worsened. now, she copes by taking a cocktail of medication but it was unsure if they have any effect or not.

Trimethylaminuria is a condition which causes one's body to be unable to break down a compound found in food that contains a substances called Choline, meaning a lot of ingredients are off the menu. people suffering from the condition regularly produce a range of strong bodily odors including rotten fish, onion and feces Kelly describes her own smell as fishy-oniony.

The condition is relatively unknown even among doctors and affects between 300 - 600 people worldwide.
this means that Kelly had to research and diagnose herself and a test was done, confirming her diagnosis. there is no cure for the condition and Kelly handles it now by taking a cocktail of medications but it unsure if they have any effect or not.

To limit the number of people she comes in contact with Kelly works a night job where colleagues say you can tell if she's been in a place and some of her co-workers make complaints about her smell. she has found love now and she said her husband's accepted her condition has helped boost her confidence.

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