Tuesday 11 July 2017

100 Year Old Mummy Of A Little Girl Was Caught Blinking Inside The Coffin.

Rosalio's life was short lived.
Let us take you back to the discovery and history of Rosalio Lombardo.

A decade ago exactly In the year 1920 Rosalio Lombardo, who was supposely 2-year-old had suffered from pneumonia, so In other to keep the memory of her alive and intact her grieving father named Mario Lombardo had contacted a local embalmer named Alfredo Salafia in which he made a simple request to preserve her body. A century later Rosalio Lombardo was still properly intact in the perfect condition, she was buried in Capuchin Catacombs.
Rosalio Lombardo's body was laid to rests in Sicily Italy. According to reports she is one of the eight thousand in the catacombs capuchin.

Rosalio Lambardo life was cut short and short lived but However she is so well preserved that she is constantly noticed from everyone, She lies in a coffin with eight thousand other mummies but yet stands out.


She is known as the "Sleeping Beauty" from people who visit the catacombs.
Rosalio was dressed with bow on the top of her head and was Wrapped in a soft blanket only showing her head and  look as innocent as ever as the day she was born. Although she has been there for a decade, approximately a hundred years, people consistently says that she seems to be blinking and have gotten prove of it.

Expert Dario Piombino-Mascali thinks he might have an answer. First, he explains how the body was preserved. After finding a hand written note from the embalmer Alfredo Salafia, saying Salafia used: "One part glycerin, one part formalin saturated with both zinc sulfate and chloride, and one part of an alcohol solution saturated with salicylic acid, "which seem to be the ingredients used. As for the blinking, Dario Pimobino-Mascali claimed that the blinking was part of an 'optical illusion.' He claims "[.] produced by the light that filters through the side windows, which during the day is subject to change" for the reason there is blinking.

What do you think about the blinking. Real or Fake

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